13 November 2008

A Lighter Side of Things

I listen to a podcast on my iPod as often as they update it, called "Stuck in the 80s." It's part of the Tampa-St Pete paper blogs and it rocks. Seriously! Sometimes I get some thoughts about things to write here. Indirectly, the Stuck crew and my son had me thinking today.

My baby (he's going on 7 next month) is reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid. See B&N page http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Diary-of-a-Wimpy-Kid/Jeff-Kinney/e/9780810993136 to see what has my child smiling, laughing and reading it aloud. He's becoming his big brother with the nose in a book everywhere he goes. The teachers at school tonight said that it's always with him. :) At least he's reading!

Anyways, last night when he's settling in for the night, lights out, radio playing... I hear him talking from my living room. I wander back to his room to see what was up. I ask Little Man "What are you talking about?" "Dodgeball. You're a target and you can't get hit and you have to move." I don't know what goes on in his brain but it was constantly going from 630am yesterday to the time he tried to go to bed.

This leads me to the question this evening... think back to those horrendous middle school years... bad hair, cheesy makeup, even cheesier clothes (can you say parachute pants?)... what is your worst memory and your best memory?

I think about PE and shudder to think about how geeky I was. Picked last (even in elementary school because I couldn't kick in kickball that well) for dodgeball. Easy prey for the more athletic kids in the group. :D Rejection of the guy you asked to dance at the Junior High Spring Dance. (that still hurts today LOL)

Just something to think about and be thankful for this month as we give thanks for all we're given! I survived middle school, and turned out relatively ok! There is hope for the boys. :)

12 November 2008

Can You Please Explain...

Change we can believe in... WTH does it mean?

I see Maddie Albright and Warren Christopher are part of BHusseinO's "transition team." (after my ramble, I saw an article about Christopher that puts it in doubt but Headline News this morning says NO LESS THAN SIX Clinton folks are part of the "change we can believe in" transition tour - PLEASE EXPLAIN!?!!!!!!!)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but are we reliving the 90s? Did Hillary get elected after all? I mean this is a repeat of people who were there before and certainly not "change 'I' can believe in." I didn't care for the admin (and I DO realize this is just transition) who had those two yahoos in it the first time.... bringing back the dead just amazes me. Well, maybe not... BHO is our messiah, right?

As to other changes... it's back to the old new deal... take from those who work hard for it to give to those who don't. Hmmmmmmmmm...

And, if you don't get this on your national / local news wherever you call home... Minot (and really the state of ND) is a bubble. Housing costs are exploding here along with values. Do these people realize there is a falling economy? Or that they'll be the second page stories in 5-10 years because they were given home loans they couldn't afford NOW?