21 February 2009

And this surprises... who?

From Foxnews.com, well Harris Polling.... http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/02/21/poll-obama-popular-jesus-gandhi-king/

A quote from another article this morning talking about the week ahead in DC... God help us.
"Facing such eye-popping deficit numbers and the massive federal spending already gushing from the stimulus and bailout bills, people may need to catch their breath and survey Obama's plans with a cooler, calmer gaze." - If people in the administration don't like the spending being done in our recently passed and signed PORK SPENDING BILL aka Stimulus Package, why did they let that go on and be passed without ANY Debate or any actual member of Congress READING THE BILL?!?!!?

FOLKS! Do you know how many of our illustrious Congressmen READ the ENTIRE BILL before it was passed? NONE. ZIP! ZERO! NADA! 1000+ pages of spending my grandchildren and maybe great-grandchildren's "future" into oblivion and no one took the time to read it in its entireity, or a little of it, before just blindly bleating in line to vote? ACK!

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