13 February 2009

Welcome Socialism


Our superior, know more than everyone else, Congress tonight passed the Pork Bill, I mean stimulus package.
The House didn't complete its PRINTING of the bill until overnight. Where was the chance to read or at least glance through it?!?!?! Oh God! Ain't bipartisanship supposed to be flourishing?
So, did you notice some of the things counting as "stimulus"? Of course not! Giving money to organizations like ACORN, that helped President Obama win, is stimulating? Please explain. Oh the big ones I noticed this morning? A ONE TIME payment of $250 to Social Security recipients. WOW! $250? ONCE? Going to get the economy started on THAT?!?!?! Our country is hurting now... it's only going to get worse from here on out. WAKE UP FOLKS! The left won and continues to let us know about it.
The president talks about responsibility, YET, the government says, "Here is your ration of health care (or food or tax rebate to those who don't even pay in). We'll appreciate and expect your vote in 2010 and 2012 to keep us LIBERALS in business." Nothing like buying a vote. Oh wait! Isn't Chicago where one votes early and often? And now we get that type of attitude all over the leadership?
Well, I won't say I'll read 1000+ pages of the "stimulus" bill, soon to be unfortunately, law, BUT I hope some reputable news source has it available. I want to check things out. We're screwed folks. In short, kiss the good things about our country prior to November 2008, goodbye. Capitalism is gone. Our dependency upon the LIBERALS for all our lives, that's here. Lucky UNLUCKY us.

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