17 September 2009


Calling someone a liar is now equal to racism? If I remember correctly, the majority of people who voted (Legally or otherwise) voted in a 1/2 black and 1/2 white guy last November. Maybe I missed something?

What Joe Wilson said was truth. I'm going to contribute to his reelection campaign. I think if you support him, you should too! I mean if my own congressman can take money from groups in CA or WA, why can't the SC rep who spoke up in Congress, get my money?

Maybe we need a little less "protocol" and butt-kissing in our government? It's actually quite VERY amusing to watch British parliament hoot and holler and boo on their floor.

Get off the PC bandwagon and let this go. Whatever color the president, isn't it BHOs party who said dissent is PATRIOTIC? Now it's not? HYPOCRITES!!! EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!

10 August 2009

Interesting reading...

Mis-information? Send a link for BOs own site and claim to be informed. ACK!
Found this while searching just what SEIU was. http://www.webcommentary.com/php/ShowArticle.php?id=gaynorm&date=090810 Interesting read.
Another bit... http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/zieve/090806
I've found so many things lately to read. I don't think I can go back to work with all the information out there LOL
I'm thinking I must be crazy not liking BO and willing to sacrafice my children's future earnings to make him "popular" and everyone to like him. ACKKKKKKKKKKKKK!

29 June 2009

Quote for Today

"Always do the things you fear the most. Courage is an acquired taste, like caviar."– Erica Jong

28 June 2009

A Novel Concept for the President to Ponder

From Minnesota's governor... if we're out of money, QUIT SPENDING!
Folks... if WE can't spend beyond the credit limit on our credit card without trouble, why should our country do it? Oh, I know... the famous adage of our parents, that many of us still follow... DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO. Isn't Washington always doing that for us? HYPOCRITES!


I had to go search this on the CNN page. I was reading their website since it's DHs homepage... I prefer FOX, surprise! Anyways... it disappeared off the front page after the laptop gave me trouble. Nice way to cover things up, eh CNN? Freedom of press? Freedom from truth is more like it!

Thanks MJ

Well, this country is screwed up. What on earth is the news thinking in going 24 hours of MJ? Did Korea's boat that is being shadowed by the USS John McCain, disappear or go home? Did the Iranian government give up and let the rallies continue? Or say President Tom lost?

Michael Jackson is an icon from my childhood. I understand he died. I understand our press is INCREDIBLY STUPID and did nothing but let the TV show the king of strangeness videos and comments ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT.

Oh, and the most important thing that went away from the news thanks to MJ is this... HR 2454 was pushed under the rug by the federal press, I mean, the free media. Talk about great timing for Obama and his House soldiers! OMG! How great! MJ dies and they get a free ride on the cap and tax program. Pelosi continues to be a liar! What did she do? She has said the people will get 24 hours to read bills before voting. LIE! At 309am Friday morning, a 300-page amendment was added to HR 2454. Fortunately, Boehner got up and read it all into the House record. If not for him, many people might have missed it. SAD! Less than 24 hours later, around 8pm eastern, there was a vote. 8 Republicans voted for the bill and it narrowly passed. (218 needed, I believe they got 219) People have to wake up! THe media is the lap dog for Obama.

Now, the work is still not done! The Senate next takes this up sometime. I will have to see if the bill has been scheduled or not. No matter a date, start now. Start calling and telling your Senator NO on the cap and tax bill. This is insane. If the Senate comes through for the King and his lady of the House, we will no longer need state or local governments for building codes. We'll be all living with the standards set in California for building... add 30% to your housing cost in addition to the fuel/energy costs. Federal gas tax would go up. Companies will have to retrofit for the new emission standards. Who do you think will pay this insanity? ME! YOU! YOUR KIDS!

America as many of us remember, or have been told, is coming to an end, but can be changed still. Call your Senators! Write your Senators. Break the phone system like I helped do on Friday calling the House switchboard to say NO. David comes in our room Saturday morning to say I'd made the national news. "You and all those calls about the tax bill crashed the switchboard." And look at the bums... it still made no difference that people called.

So Obama and his court of fools can thank Michael for his untimely, timely death on Thursday. MJs demise was great news to the liberal crowd in control of our country. May MJ rest in peace. May the country survive the next 3.5 years without being under communist rule.

04 March 2009

Quote for Today

Good morning everyone! May your day be blessed and warm. It's thawing here, ever so slightly. We met several of the oldest's teachers last night and came away with one recurring theme, "He's a great kid, just lazy." Apparently he's quite able, as I knew, but just doesn't do what he should or does it halfarsed and get mediocre grades. So today's quote is something for him and us all to think about....

"Think it more satisfactory to live richly than die rich." – Sir Thomas Browne

As David keeps telling the young man, "You can be the smartest man digging ditches." I hope he's more than a ditch digger, but if that's it, then by God, be the best!!!!

21 February 2009

And this surprises... who?

From Foxnews.com, well Harris Polling.... http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/02/21/poll-obama-popular-jesus-gandhi-king/

A quote from another article this morning talking about the week ahead in DC... God help us.
"Facing such eye-popping deficit numbers and the massive federal spending already gushing from the stimulus and bailout bills, people may need to catch their breath and survey Obama's plans with a cooler, calmer gaze." - If people in the administration don't like the spending being done in our recently passed and signed PORK SPENDING BILL aka Stimulus Package, why did they let that go on and be passed without ANY Debate or any actual member of Congress READING THE BILL?!?!!?

FOLKS! Do you know how many of our illustrious Congressmen READ the ENTIRE BILL before it was passed? NONE. ZIP! ZERO! NADA! 1000+ pages of spending my grandchildren and maybe great-grandchildren's "future" into oblivion and no one took the time to read it in its entireity, or a little of it, before just blindly bleating in line to vote? ACK!

Personal Responsibility

Are you mad that not only do your tax dollars pay for people not working, or trying, but now we're going to let people who shouldn't have bought the biggest house they could by a loan, but can't afford now to pay for? Those honest folks out there who are paying their bills, now have to foot the bill for the schmuck down his street costing him housing value. Does anyone have any responsibility for themselves these days?!?! I don't get it. We have no debt except for the two cars and the monthly credit card statement. We're RESPONSIBLE. Did we quit teaching our children about being good, upstanding citizens? About DEMOCRACY? About the evils of SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM?

Yesterday I saw that there is now talk of nationalizing our banks, if only temporarily. Let's think on this just a moment. Anything the government throw money at tends to not improve. Anything we start funding, usually has no end in sight. (ie Social Security, Welfare, the telephone tax paid to finance the Spanish-American War back in the late 1800s and wasn't repealed until 2000-something I believe if not the 1990s) We TRUST these people to temporarily take control of banks?

Ever hear the term NANNY STATE? We're quickly approaching socialism where Uncle Sam will be going broke to provide for the nation's food, health, housing and so on. Isn't that just a grand thought? Are there that many stupid people who don't have an ability to flip a burger at McDonald's on a regular basis to get a paycheck? It's not glamorous, it's not a great job for a college grad, but if one has a family that needs fed, one must find a job, no matter what it is.

I was talking to someone at work the other day about the amazing, super, absolutely won't do much for really anyone, $400 tax credit (or the $250 one time payment to Social Security recipients or veterans). What do they think that $14 will do for the average family every two weeks? It won't make a difference in my life. I was put under the bus kind of by someone who says "Maybe not to you but that's formula for a family." I'm not immune to families who struggle... I'm a military spouse... I've seen my share. I have a family member of my own supporting a family of 5 on a self-employed income. Do you think that $14 every two weeks, if he could get it, would really do much for him? For a family of 5, it's almost 1 meal at McDonald's for the whole family. WOOO HOOOO! Run and spend that extra $14 every two weeks and stimulate the economy. OH YEAH!

I can't find the article I saw last night and didn't have time to share. BUT, the gist of the headline is that MOST people want a nanny state where the federal government takes care of them. Ever been to eastern Europe? Even western Europe? Lovely apartment buildings, (actually I think it is) good public transportation, socialized medicine (and having spoken to a few people about English and German health care, our system may suck, but it's still better). I don't want the government taking care of me in all aspects of life. I do try to be RESPONSIBLE. Where did we go wrong as a country in thinking 1984 was a good idea? If you don't know what 1984 is, I suggest a trip to the library and some time to read it. George Orwell in general is a pretty good read. Animal Farm, too. I think I'm going to go to the library today now I think about it.

May your Saturday be super! And full of personal responsibility. Go stimulate the economy! Spend that $14 we'll soon have every two weeks. God bless America! (The USSR may have died a slow, painful death, but the USSA is on the rise LOL)

14 February 2009

CEOs Lambasted for Privy Planes: Why Not a Senator?

From cnn.com

I wrote him last weekend to not vote for this package as Ohio is my home state. So to get the almighty 60 votes, since they couldn't get mainstream Republicans to vote for it, we got to pay for Senator Brown to fly from Ohio to DC just to vote on this pork bill. Nice, isn't it, that we're footing a bill of about $3000/hour to jet him to DC. So, while they roasted the CEOs of Detroit (and I agreed with it), they fly ONE senator back to DC for a vote. Where is the outrage? HYPOCRITES! Every last one of them.

GS employees are not actually salaried. I always thought they were. They fill out hourly time sheets every two weeks to get paid. PERHAPS, we should make Representatives and Senators (and Presidents too) GS employees, accountable for every minute they work? So, that said, we've just passed spending for the next three or so years... send them back to their states until August when we'll be in the midst of yearly budget woes, to work real jobs. They're just going to rubber stamp the president's budget when it comes in anyways. They don't need more than a few DAYS (weeks) debate to do that. They certainly have no more money to spend. Heck, we don't have the funds for the insane bill that just passed yesterday.

Just food for thought.

13 February 2009

Welcome Socialism


Our superior, know more than everyone else, Congress tonight passed the Pork Bill, I mean stimulus package.
The House didn't complete its PRINTING of the bill until overnight. Where was the chance to read or at least glance through it?!?!?! Oh God! Ain't bipartisanship supposed to be flourishing?
So, did you notice some of the things counting as "stimulus"? Of course not! Giving money to organizations like ACORN, that helped President Obama win, is stimulating? Please explain. Oh the big ones I noticed this morning? A ONE TIME payment of $250 to Social Security recipients. WOW! $250? ONCE? Going to get the economy started on THAT?!?!?! Our country is hurting now... it's only going to get worse from here on out. WAKE UP FOLKS! The left won and continues to let us know about it.
The president talks about responsibility, YET, the government says, "Here is your ration of health care (or food or tax rebate to those who don't even pay in). We'll appreciate and expect your vote in 2010 and 2012 to keep us LIBERALS in business." Nothing like buying a vote. Oh wait! Isn't Chicago where one votes early and often? And now we get that type of attitude all over the leadership?
Well, I won't say I'll read 1000+ pages of the "stimulus" bill, soon to be unfortunately, law, BUT I hope some reputable news source has it available. I want to check things out. We're screwed folks. In short, kiss the good things about our country prior to November 2008, goodbye. Capitalism is gone. Our dependency upon the LIBERALS for all our lives, that's here. Lucky UNLUCKY us.