10 April 2008



Must I really say more?

Ok, I do. I'm not pregnant. I'm going insane. I volunteered to come back to this pit for my children's sake of a good education. I'm beginning to wonder what was I thinking. Well, obviously, I wasn't. Maybe it was drug induced? Nahhhh... I don't get that good of drugs to make Minot THAT appetizing. Something possessed me! That's gotta be it.

Brief history... been here, done that, got the near divorce and still are married 12 years later (God thank you! I don't know how still)... that's Minot in a nutshell. Nut... eheheheh... I said nut. As in crazy. Anyways... we're back. While we were gone, they experimented with the 72nd BS. Actually, doing some surfing, I found it was open most of the time we were here and closed down after we left. They closed a bunch of B52 bases down in the 90s for a reason!!!!! Solution? Open new squadrons.

That's the wonder triplets part of this conversation, one sided as it may be...


NO! I'm not pregnant. It's a comment on the state of affairs in this region.

If you haven't heard the latest rumor, MAFB is getting a NEW Buff squadron, AGAIN. (they did this back in the mid-90s and it lasted oh... a couple years maybe) Anyways, to hear the news people around this state (local and Bismarck radio), it was orgasmic the last two days. "MAFB is EXCITED to get a new squadron." Well, hold me back. If they were to take a poll of those who would actually be a part of this, well, the excitement wouldn't be there. This probably just sealed the nail in our coffin. It's now going to be official if and when the squadron is stood up, that we will have started and ended our career in this pit. Ok, it's not 100% but it's damn near going to be now.

The triplets part you're sitting there scratching your heads over I suppose? How on earth does a state with less than 1 million population have 3 such powerful people in Congress to sway opinion to bring another squadron online? Especially when DOD doesn't want the plane. ARGH! The same three guys are STILL representing this state that were 12 years ago. Since they seem to like and breed simplicity and familiarity in this state, perhaps they'll reelect their governor in the fall. At least the governor is a republican, I think. You can't buy a republican representative to save a life in ND, but by golly, you can the big state guy.

So I am trying to find a picture of the infamous front gate slogan, and can't. I'll continue that search tomorrow. I leave you with this tidbit from Wikipedia about this city of Minot, fourth largest in the state: Boris Karloff - star of 1931's Frankenstein and other films, lived in Minot for a year. Apparently he got smart and LEFT!

Another tidbit... Milk is the official state beverage. Not for some of us... one needs something a little more "warming" to get thru long, dreadfully, cold winter nights.

Dakota is a Sioux word meaning friends or allies. Do I really need to elaborate my thoughts on this one?

"What do you do for fun here in Casselton?" - I have an answer: Max G. Taubert of Casselton built a 50 foot high pyramid of empty oil cans. It is believed to be the highest oil can structure in the world.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... perhaps a saving grace? Wonder if they get FRESH german beer imported in? Doubtful, but let me fantasize a few moments on this one... New Leipzig is known as The Small, Friendly German Town on the Dakota Prairie and hosts an annual Oktoberfest. Guess there aren't any ND natives living there if it's friendly and German. :X

Ohh Ohhh Ohhhhh Mr Kotter... Mr Kotter! MR KOTTER!!!! Turtle Lake celebrates turtles, hard-shelled reptiles often found in the water. Turtle Lake has erected a two-ton sculpture of a turtle near the entrance to the city. The town is the home of the annual United States Turtle Racing Championship.

Well, perhaps the Wonder Triplets should be advertising some of this stuff instead of pushing another unfortunate 1000 airmen and their families into an assignment here. Just a thought. Spread the love (aka $$$$$$$$$$$$$) around the state, not just to Min(dr)ot. Just a thought... honest. Perhaps the rest of the state would be as orgasmic as Minot and Bismarck seem to be.

I'm off... don't go there.. it's nearly 230 am and I have to work the thrift shop in the morning. May you all have a great night!

1 comment:

Sandie said...

I love your wit and sarcasm- you make me laugh out loud!