10 June 2008

Pet Peeves

Oh too many to list today but I'll start with the one that bugs me at this moment.

Does anyone have a LAND LINE in their house anymore? I got information for contacting someone, and it's a cell number. Ok, no problem if it's a LOCAL number. It's in a different area code. NOT LOCAL. And if someone doesn't have a cell phone to burn minutes on, they're paying $0.12/ minute (I think mine is 12 cents a minute to call long distance on the land line, in my house, local to neighbors) to phone the guy to give him a message. WTH are people thinking, especially in our lifestyles, by not changing numbers or having a land line? Friend of mine just moved and retired to NM. She called me today. Fortunately we're both on Verizon so it costs us no minutes. She's going to, what a concept, change her number to a LOCAL NM phone number for the folks where they currently live!

The person I got contact info from is in my area so I could walk over and visit and ask my questions, but it's the principle that matters at this point. They moved here before us, so he's had plenty o' time to change that number. Doing a quick search of whitepages.com, they have no listing for the folks either. Oh well. Email is always good... a few days and they eventually answer. :)

My other peeve? I haven't confirmed this, but I believe they teach our children in ND to drive in the left hand lane of the road. Or they did at one point in time. They don't seem to be bothered by the fact the left lane is for PASSING, not hanging out in. I thought maybe it was just a couple stupid people. NOPE! It's constantly going on. I thought maybe it was just in the Minot area. NOPE! It's all over the state.

Lesson for driving: #1) Left lane is for PASSING. #2) GET THE HECK OUT OF THE LEFT LANE IF YOU'RE NOT PASSING! #3) Use your turn signals! That's my other one that absolutely drives me nuts... people not using turn signals. I do NOT read minds in spite of what my children may believe.

I've got some political rants for later. I need to do some more searching on the one topic, then I can rant more on it :) have a great afternoon!

1 comment:

Sandie said...

You crack me up! Haven't you noticed up in the "Dakota's" that's how everyone drives? They all act as if they're the fresking King of the Road, LOL! I use my horn a lot more out here than I ever in while we lived in Virginia. Idiots abound!